With over 20 years of experience, Dr Maria Kamal is highly trained in many areas of family health, such as: Children's Health, Mental Health and Women's Health (Dr Kamal also performs procedures such as Mirena Insertions, and general pap smears) .
Dr Kamal's additonal spoken language is Arabic.
MBBS SYD, FRACGP,DCH, Acupuncture Cert, Dermatology Cert
Dr Frederick Leung is an exceptional doctor with over 25 years of experience in multiple areas of health, including: Men's health, Acupuncture and Dermatology.
Dr Leung's additional spoken languages are Mandarin and Cantonese.
MD, FRACGP, Dip. in Child Health
Dr Sathiyamoorthy is an exceptional doctor with experience in various areas of health including: Men's Health and Children's Health.
Dr Sathiyamoorthy's additional spoken language is Tamil and Sinhala.
Dr Dillon has a keen interest in musculoskeletal injuries and Workers Compensation and Compulsory Third Party (CTP) claims for Motor Vehicle Accidents.
Dr Dillon's additional spoken language is Mandarin.
Dr William's additional spoken language is Mandarin.
Dr Judy's additional spoken languages are Mandarin and Indonesian.